Monaco - information about the country, attractions, history Which language is official in Monaco

Monaco - information about the country, attractions, history Which language is official in Monaco

Useful data for tourists about Monaco, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, Monaco's currency, cuisine,...
Whose motherland is higher: Volgograd vs Kyiv Who is more motherland or freedom

Whose motherland is higher: Volgograd vs Kyiv Who is more motherland or freedom

Sculpture "Motherland is calling!" - the compositional center of the monument-ensemble "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" on Mamaev Kurgan in ...
Adventure on the road to tanzania, dar es salaam

Adventure on the road to tanzania, dar es salaam

The largest city of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, is located in the east of the country, on the coast of the Indian Ocean. It is the main seaport...
Sveti Vlas, Bulgaria - family holidays on the Black Sea Bulgaria burgas sveti vlas

Sveti Vlas, Bulgaria - family holidays on the Black Sea Bulgaria burgas sveti vlas

On the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, near the famous resort of Sunny Beach, there is a small cozy town of Sveti Vlas (this is...
The size of the Czech Republic in km.  Briefly about the Czech Republic.  How to get to the Czech Republic

The size of the Czech Republic in km. Briefly about the Czech Republic. How to get to the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is notable for its mass of medieval sights and magnificent castles, excellent opportunities for treatment and...
Czech Republic industrial country

Czech Republic industrial country

A few years ago, Prague earned the right to be called the center of European shopping. Local shops offer clothes and shoes for...
Haarlem, Holland - Tourist

Haarlem, Holland - Tourist

Haarlem, a small provincial town in the Netherlands, located on the Spaarna River, just 7 km from the North Sea coast and...
Open left menu haarlem How to get to Haarlem from different cities in Holland

Open left menu haarlem How to get to Haarlem from different cities in Holland

Located on the Grote Markt, the Church of St. Bavo is rightfully considered one of the most interesting and impressive...
The famous haarlem organ in the netherlands

The famous haarlem organ in the netherlands

Go for a walk along the Spaarne River and you will first see the De Adriaan mill… …and then the majestic building…
Holidays abroad are cheaper: a home exchange vacation A real life exchange vacation

Holidays abroad are cheaper: a home exchange vacation A real life exchange vacation

it's time to go Both my husband and I always liked to travel - we also met on a trip, and continued to travel. When...


Roman baths in baden austria

Roman baths in baden austria

Complete guide to iconic places

Complete guide to iconic places

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